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2016 Vol.34, N°2 - Suppl.96 - Table of contents

Fibromyalgia and related syndromes 2016

Fibromyalgia and related syndromes 2016

7th Annual Supplement on Fibromyalgia and related syndromes

Guest-Editors: P. Sarzi-Puttini, D. Buskila, P. Mease

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Building up the pressure on chronic pain
J.N. Ablin, S. Efrati, D. Buskila

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Pg. 0006-0008

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R.G. Torta, V. Tesio, V. Ieraci, L. Castelli, F.B. Zizzi

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Pg. 0009-0013

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Prevalence and clinical impact of fibromyalgia in patients with primary Sjögren's syndrome
B.Y. Choi, H.J. Oh, Y.J. Lee, Y.W. Song

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Pg. 0014-0025

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Evaluation of the accuracy of several symptoms and domains in distinguishing patients diagnosed with fibromyalgia from healthy controls
C. Gómez-Perretta, Y. Triñanes, A.J. González-Villar, M.T. Carrillo-De-La-Peña

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Pg. 0026-0033

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Subgroups of fibromyalgia patients using the 1990 American College of Rheumatology criteria and the modified 2010 preliminary diagnostic criteria: the al-Ándalus project
V. Segura-Jiménez, A. Soriano-Maldonado, I.C. Álvarez-Gallardo, F. Estévez-López, A. Carbonell-Baeza, M. Delgado-Fernández

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Pg. 0034-0039

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Prevalence and characteristics of fibromyalgia among HIV-positive patients in southern Israel
I. Dotan, K. Riesenberg, R. Toledano, F. Schlaeffer, A. Smolyakov, L. Saidel-Odes, O. Wechsberg, J.N. Ablin, V. Novack, D. Buskila

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Pg. 0040-0047

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Fibromyalgia prevalence and related factors in a large registry of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus
V. Torrente-Segarra, T.C. Salman-Monte, Í. Rúa-Figueroa, S. Pérez-Vicente, F.J. López-Longo, M. Galindo-Izquierdo, J. Calvo-Alén, A. Olivé-Marqués, J. Ibañez-Ruán, L. Horcada, A. Sánchez-Atrio, C. Montilla, M. Rodríguez-Gómez, E. Díez-Álvarez, V.M. Martinez-Taboada, J.L. Andreu, O. Fernández-Berrizbeitia, J.A. Hernández-Beriain, M. Gantes, B. Hernández-Cruz, Á. Pecondón-Español, C. Marras, G. Bonilla, J.M. Pego-Reigosa
on behalf of the RELESSER Study Group of the Spanish Society of Rheumatology (SER) and the Study Group of Systemic Autoimmune Diseases of the SER (EAS-SER)

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Pg. 0048-0054

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Perceived dyscognition reported by patients with fibromyalgia
S.J. Mcallister, L.L. Toussaint, D.A. Williams, T.L. Hoskin, M.O. Whipple, A. Vincent

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Pg. 0055-0058

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The Spanish version of the 2010 American College of Rheumatology Preliminary Diagnostic Criteria for fibromyalgia: reliability and validity assessment
B. Casanueva, F. García-Fructuoso, R. Belenguer, C. Alegre, J.V. Moreno-Muelas, J.L. Hernández, T. Pina, M.Á. González-Gay

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Pg. 0059-0066

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Quantifying the influence of child abuse history on the cardinal symptoms of fibromyalgia
R. Ortiz, E.D. Ballard, R. Machado-Vieira, L.N. Saligan, B. Walitt

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Pg. 0067-0073

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Associations between patterns of active commuting and socioeconomic factors in women with fibromyalgia: the al-Ándalus project
M. Herrador-Colmenero, I.C. Álvarez-Gallardo, V. Segura-Jiménez, F. Estévez-López, A. Soriano-Maldonado, P.J. Ruiz-Montero, P. Tercedor, M.J. Girela-Rejón, M. Delgado-Fernández, P. Chillón

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Pg. 0074-0082

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Cost of illness and illness perceptions in patients with fibromyalgia
V.M. Vervoort, J.E. Vriezekolk, T.C. Olde Hartman, H.A. Cats, T. Van Helmond, W.H. Van Der Laan, R. Geenen, C.H. Van Den Ende

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Pg. 0083-0088

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Severity of fibromyalgia symptoms is associated with socioeconomic status and not obesity in Korean patients
J.-H. Kang, D.-J. Park, S.-H. Kim, S.-S. Nah, J.H. Lee, S.-K. Kim, Y.-A. Lee, S.-J. Hong, H.-S. Kim, H.-S. Lee, H.A. Kim, C.-I. Joung, S.-H. Kim, S.-S. Lee

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Pg. 0089-0098

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Genome-wide expression profiling in the peripheral blood of patients with fibromyalgia
K.D. Jones, T. Gelbart, T.C. Whisenant, J. Waalen, T.S. Mondala, D.N. Iklé, D.R. Salomon, R.M. Bennett, S.M. Kurian

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Rheumatology Addendum


Pg. 0099-0105

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Is panic disorder associated with clinical severity of fibromyalgia? A preliminary study in a tertiary-care centre
A. Alciati, D. Caldirola, P. Sarzi-Puttini, F. Atzeni, M. Grassi, G. Perna

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Pg. 0106-0113

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Burden of illness in fibromyalgia patients with comorbid depression
L. Bateman, P. Sarzi-Puttini, C.L. Burbridge, J.W. Landen, E.T. Masters, P. Bhadra Brown, J.M. Scavone, B. Emir, R.S. Vissing, A.G. Clair, L.R. Pauer

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Pg. 0114-0119

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Impaired lung transfer factor in fibromyalgia syndrome
M. Rizzi, F. Atzeni, A. Airoldi, I.F. Masala, F. Frassanito, F. Salaffi, C. Macaluso, P. Sarzi-Puttini

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Pg. 0120-0124

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The impact of concomitant fibromyalgia on visual analogue scales of pain, fatigue and function in patients with various rheumatic disorders
O. Levy, R. Segal, I. Maslakov, A. Markov, M. Tishler, M. Amit-Vazina

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Pg. 0125-0128

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Validation of the Spanish version of the fibromyalgia rapid screening tool to detect fibromyalgia in primary care health centres
B. Casanueva, R. Belenguer, J.V. Moreno-Muelas, J. Urtiaga, B. Urtiaga, J.L. Hernández, T. Pina, M.A. González-Gay

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Rheumatology Addendum


Pg. 0129-0133

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Abnormal resting state functional connectivity of the periaqueductal grey in patients with fibromyalgia
A. Truini, E. Tinelli, M.C. Gerardi, V. Calistri, C. Iannuccelli, S. La Cesa, L. Tarsitani, C. Mainero, P. Sarzi-Puttini, G. Cruccu, F. Caramia, M. Di Franco

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Pg. 0134-0139

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The impact of fibromyalgia on health status according to the types, demographic background and pain index
B. Ghavidel-Parsa, A. Bidari, A.A. Maafi, A. Hassankhani, A. Hajiabbasi, A. Montazeri, O. Sanaei, B. Ghalehbaghi

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Pg. 0140-0144

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Transdiagnostic factors across fibromyalgia and mental disorders: sleep disturbances may play a key role. A clinical review
L. Palagini, C. Carmassi, C. Conversano, C. Gesi, L. Bazzichi, C. Giacomelli, L. Dell'osso

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One year in review

Pg. 0145-0149

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One year in review 2016: fibromyalgia
L. Bazzichi, C. Giacomelli, A. Consensi, F. Atzeni, A. Batticciotto, M. Di Franco, R. Casale, P. Sarzi-Puttini

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Letters to the Editor

Pg. 0150

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PTX-3 release is increased by monocytes from patients with primary fibromyalgia without major depression
J.J. García, A. Herrero-Oléa, J. Carvajal-Gil, R. Gómez-Galán

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Pg. 0151

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Reply to 'PTX-3 release is increased by monocytes from patients with primary fibromyalgia without major depression' by J.J. Garcia et al.
T.L. Skare, A.C. Plawiak, G. Veronese, E.S. Paiva, I. Messias-Reason, R. Nisihara

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Pg. 0152

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Effects of a paracetamol and tramadol fixed-dose combination on pain, asthenia, cognitive disorders and sleep quality in fibromyalgia
M. Ghini, G. Carpenito, M.T. Mascia

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