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Meeting Abstracts


Eleventh International Congress on Spondyloarthritides

1, 2, 3, 4


  1. Department of Rheumatology, Hôpital Ambroise Paré, University of Versailles-Saint-Quentin, Boulogne-Billancourt, France.
  2. Leeds Biomedical Research Centre, Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust and Leeds Institute of Rheumatic and Musculoskeletal Medicine, University of Leeds, UK.
  3. Department of Rheumatology, Ghent University, Belgium.
  4. Department of Rheumatology, Ghent University, Belgium.

4-6 October 2018, Gent, Belgium

2018 Vol.36, N°4
PI 0689, PF 0757
Meeting Abstracts

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Received: 03/08/2018
Accepted : 03/08/2018
In Press: 03/08/2018
Published: 03/08/2018

Rheumatology Article