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Letters to the Editor


Polymyalgia rheumatica without elevated baseline acute phase reactants

1, 2, 3, 4


  1. Azienda Sanitaria Locale Napoli 3 sud, Internal and Geriatric Medicine department, Rheumatologic Outpatient Clinic, Health District no.59, Sant’Agnello, Naples, Italy.
  2. Department of Rheumatology, Internal Medicine, Geriatrics and Clinical Immunology, Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin, Poland.
  3. Azienda Sanitaria Locale Napoli 3 sud, Internal and Geriatric Medicine department, Rheumatologic Outpatient Clinic, Health District no.59, Sant’Agnello, Naples, Italy.
  4. Department of Rheumatology, Internal Medicine, Geriatrics and Clinical Immunology, Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin, Poland.

2021 Vol.39, N°2
PI 0441
Letters to the Editor

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PMID: 33124579 [PubMed]

Received: 12/08/2020
Accepted : 25/09/2020
In Press: 27/10/2020
Published: 09/04/2021

Rheumatology Article