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Ultrasound imaging for the rheumatologist

E.Filippucci, A. Iagnocco, G. Meenagh, L. Riente, A. Delle Sedie, S. Bombardieri, G. Valesini, W. Grassi


2006 Vol.24, N°1
PI 0001, PF 0005

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PMID: 16539811 [PubMed]


ABSTRACT: Over the last few years, technological advances have resulted in dramatic improvements in quality and resolution of ultrasonography (US), allowing it to become a very powerful tool in rheumatological clinical practice. Despite the fact that the impact of US on final diagnosis or therapeutic options for rheumatic patients has not yet been defined, there is now growing evidence that US improves clinical diagnosis and intervention skills. This review discusses the most important issues connected with the practice of US in rheumatology including: basic requirements, scanning technique, clinical applications, training and future developments. Moreover, it provides a general overview of both US anatomy and pathology relevant for the rheumatologist.

Rheumatology Article