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Case Reports


Failure to over express MHC-CLASS-1 on muscle biopsy in a case of amyopathic juvenile dermatomyositis

L.J. McCann, C.K.C. Li, H. Varsani, L.R. Wedderburn, C.A. Pilkington


2007 Vol.25, N°1
PI 0096, PF 0098
Case Reports

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PMID: 17417998 [PubMed]


ABSTRACT: The concept of amyopathic dermatomyositis or dermatomyositis sine myositis, is contentious, particularly within paediatrics. We report an 8-year-old girl presenting with dermatological dermatomyositis without muscle weakness. Muscle biopsy changes are described, in particular, the absence of MHC class 1 over expression. This supports the concept of amyopathic dermatomyositis as a subgroup of juvenile dermatomyositis (JDM) and suggests that immunohistological analysis may be a valuable in excluding a myositic element in such cases.

Rheumatology Article