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Ultrasound imaging for the rheumatologist XXX. Sonographic assessment of the painful knee

, , , , , , , , ,


2010 Vol.28, N°6
PI 0803, PF 0805

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PMID: 21205458 [PubMed]

Received: 29/11/2010
Accepted : 29/11/2010
In Press: 14/01/2011
Published: 03/01/2011


The knee joint is a frequent focus of attention for rheumatologists when assessing patients presenting to a clinic and may represent underlying intra-articular inflammatory pathology or involvement of the surrounding soft tissues. This study describes the correlation between clinical and ultrasound findings in patients presenting with a variety of rheumatic disorders and knee pain. US imaging provides for a sensitive and detailed identification of different intra- and peri-articular pathology responsible for knee pain.

Rheumatology Article