Ultrasound imaging for the rheumatologist XXX. Sonographic assessment of the painful knee
G. Meenagh, E. Filippucci, A. Delle Sedie, A. Iagnocco, C.A. Scirè, L. Riente, C. Montecucco, G. Valesini, S. Bombardieri, W. Grassi
2010 Vol.28, N°6
PI 0803, PF 0805
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PMID: 21205458 [PubMed]
Received: 29/11/2010
Accepted : 29/11/2010
In Press: 14/01/2011
Published: 03/01/2011
The knee joint is a frequent focus of attention for rheumatologists when assessing patients presenting to a clinic and may represent underlying intra-articular inflammatory pathology or involvement of the surrounding soft tissues. This study describes the correlation between clinical and ultrasound findings in patients presenting with a variety of rheumatic disorders and knee pain. US imaging provides for a sensitive and detailed identification of different intra- and peri-articular pathology responsible for knee pain.