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Recommendations for the use of biologic therapy in the treatment of psoriatic arthritis: update from the Italian Society for Rheumatology

, , , , , , , , , ,


2011 Vol.29, N°3 ,Suppl.66
PI 0028, PF 0041
Full Papers

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PMID: 21906425 [PubMed]

Received: 29/08/2009
Accepted : 14/06/2011
In Press: 26/07/2011
Published: 28/07/2011


To update the 2006 Italian Society for Rheumatology recommendations for the use of biologic (TNF-α blocking) agents in the treatment of psoriatic arthritis (PsA).
A panel of experts performed a literature search and identified the items that required updating on the basis of new published data. A draft of the updated recommendations was circulated to a group of Italian Rheumatologists with a specific expertise in PsA and in therapy with biologic agents, and their suggestions were incorporated in the final version.
A consensus was achieved regarding the initiation and the monitoring of anti-TNF-α agents in PsA. Inclusion and exclusion criteria were defined and specific recommendations were made for patients with psoriatic peripheral synovitis, spondylitis, enthesitis, and dactylitis, respectively. We also specified criteria for assessment of response to treatment and for withholding and withdrawal of therapy.
These recommendations may be used for guidance in deciding which patients with PsA should receive biologic therapy. Further updates of these recommendations may be published on the basis of the results of new clinical studies and of data from post-marketing surveillance.

Rheumatology Article