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Inherited autoinflammatory diseases: a critical digest of the recent literature.

, ,


2013 Vol.31, N°3 ,Suppl.77
PI 0118, PF 0126

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PMID: 24064025 [PubMed]

Received: 31/07/2013
Accepted : 01/08/2013
In Press: 09/09/2013
Published: 09/09/2013


In this paper we provide a critical digest of the recent literature on inherited autoinflammatory diseases. We reviewed all the articles published during the last 24 months on monogenic autoinflammatory diseases and selected the most relevant studies regarding the pathogenesis, clinical aspects and management of these conditions. In particular, we focused the attention on the more frequent conditions, familial Mediterranean fever (FMF), cryopyrin-associated periodic syndrome (CAPS) and TNF-receptor associated periodic syndrome (TRAPS).

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