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Case Reports


Wegener´s granulomatosis with granulomatous liver involvement



2010 Vol.28, N°1 ,Suppl.57
PI 0088, PF 0089
Case Reports

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PMID: 20412710 [PubMed]

Received: 05/01/2010
Accepted : 01/02/2010
In Press: 22/04/2010
Published: 22/04/2010


We report on a patient with biopsy proven systemic Wegener`s granulomatosis (WG) with a granulomatous necrotising manifestation of WG in the liver, lung, parotid gland and skin with subsequent death of liver failure. Liver involvement in WG is an exceedingly rare, though potentially fatal, organ manifestation of WG.

Rheumatology Article