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2016 Vol.34, N°4 - Table of contents

July-August 2016

July-August 2016

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One year in review

Pg. 0569-0574

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One year in review 2016: systemic lupus erythematosus
A. Adinolfi, E. Valentini, E. Calabresi, G. Tesei, V. Signorini, S. Barsotti, C. Tani

Rheumatology Abstract

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Full Papers

Pg. 0575-0580

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Differences between familial and sporadic early spondyloarthritis: results from the ESPERANZA cohort
R. Almodóvar, V. Navarro-Compán, C. Fernández-Carballido, A. Hernández, E. De Miguel, P. Zarco
and the ESPERANZA Study Group

Rheumatology Abstract

Rheumatology Article


Pg. 0581-0586

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Deep clinical remission: an optimised target in the management of rheumatoid arthritis? Experience from an ultrasonography study
Y. Geng, J. Han, X. Deng, Z. Zhang

Rheumatology Abstract

Rheumatology Article


Pg. 0587-0591

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Tumour markers in rheumatoid arthritis-associated interstitial lung disease
T. Wang, X.-J. Zheng, Y.-L. Ji, Z.-A. Liang, B.-M. Liang

Rheumatology Abstract

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Pg. 0592-0599

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Low dose etanercept treatment for maintenance of clinical remission in ankylosing spondylitis
J.W. Park, Y.I. Yoon, J.H. Lee, J.K. Park, E.B. Lee, Y.W. Song, E.Y. Lee

Rheumatology Abstract

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Rheumatology Addendum


Pg. 0600-0608

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Development of pristane induced mice model for lupus with atherosclerosis and analysis of TLR expression
X. Chen, L. Cui, R. Li, H. Lin, Z. Huang, L. Lin

Rheumatology Abstract

Rheumatology Article


Pg. 0609-0617

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The feet in systemic lupus erythematosus; are we underestimating their involvement and functional impact?
R. Morales-Lozano, J. Martínez-Barrio, M.L. González-Fernández, F.J. López-Longo, J.G. Ovalles-Bonilla, L. Valor, I. Janta, J.C. Nieto, D. Hernández-Flórez, C.M. González, I. Monteagudo, J. Garrido, L. Carreño, E. Naredo

Rheumatology Abstract

Rheumatology Article


Pg. 0618-0624

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Mud-bath therapy and oral glucosamine sulfate in patients with knee osteoarthritis: a randomized, controlled, crossover study.
R. Peluso, F. Caso, L. Costa, D. Sorbo, N. Carraturo, M.N.D. Di Minno, F. Carraturo, A. Oriente, U. Balestrieri, A. Minicucci, A. Del Puente, R. Scarpa

Rheumatology Abstract

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Pg. 0625-0633

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Clinical efficacy and safety maintained up to 5 years in patients with rheumatoid arthritis treated with tocilizumab in a randomised trial
J.M. Kremer, R. Blanco, A.-M. Halland, M. Brzosko, R. Burgos-Vargas, C.M. Mela, L. Rowell, R.M. Fleischmann

Rheumatology Abstract

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Rheumatology Addendum


Pg. 0634-0640

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Associations between the FAS -670 A/G, -1377 G/A, and FASL -844 T/C polymorphisms and susceptibility to systemic lupus erythematosus: a meta-analysis
Y.H. Lee, G.G. Song

Rheumatology Abstract

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Pg. 0641-0645

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Is long-term radiographic joint damage different between men and women? Prospective longitudinal data analysis of four early RA cohorts with greater than 15 years follow-up
J. Asikainen, E. Nikiphorou, K. Kaarela, E. Lindqvist, A. Häkkinen, H. Kautiainen, P. Hannonen, T. Rannio, T. Sokka

Rheumatology Abstract

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Pg. 0646-0654

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Performance of patient-reported outcomes in the assessment of rheumatoid arthritis disease activity: the experience of the ESPOIR cohort
H. Che, B. Combe, J. Morel, A. Cantagrel, L. Gossec, C. Lukas

Rheumatology Abstract

Rheumatology Article


Pg. 0655-0662

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Comparing a tapering strategy to the standard dosing regimen of TNF inhibitors in rheumatoid arthritis patients with low disease activity
C. Plasencia, G. Wolbink, C.L. Krieckaert, E.L. Kneepkens, S. Turk, T. Jurado, A. Martínez-Feito, V. Navarro-Compán, G. Bonilla, A. Villalba, D. Peiteado, L. Nuño, E. Martín-Mola, M.T. Nurmohamed, D. Van Der Kleij, T. Rispens, D. Pascual-Salcedo, A. Balsa

Rheumatology Abstract

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Rheumatology Addendum


Pg. 0663-0667

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The EULAR Sjögren’s Syndrome Patient-Reported Index is an independent determinant of health-related utility values of Korean patients with primary Sjögren’s syndrome
J. Lee, J.H. Koh, S.-K. Kwok, S.-H. Park

Rheumatology Abstract

Rheumatology Article


Pg. 0668-0672

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Comparison on radiographic progression for 5 years between juvenile onset ankylosing spondylitis and adult onset ankylosing spondylitis: an observational study of the Korean SpondyloArthropathy Registry (OSKAR) data
T.-J. Kim, J.-H. Shin, I.-H. Sung, S. Lee, Y. Song, T.-H. Kim

Rheumatology Abstract

Rheumatology Article


Pg. 0673-0678

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Subclinical ultrasound synovitis in a particular joint is associated with ultrasound evidence of bone erosions in that same joint in rheumatoid patients in clinical remission
F.A. Vreju, E. Filippucci, M. Gutierrez, L. Di Geso, A. Ciapetti, M.E. Ciurea, F. Salaffi, W. Grassi

Rheumatology Abstract

Rheumatology Article


Pg. 0679-0684

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Cost of dose escalation in people with rheumatoid arthritis treated with tumour necrosis factor inhibitors across Europe
S.E. Holden, C.J. Currie, M. Lennon, A.V. Reynolds, R.J. Moots

Rheumatology Abstract

Rheumatology Article


Pg. 0685-0689

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Expression of ERAP2 and LST1 is increased before start of therapy in rheumatoid arthritis patients with good clinical response to glucocorticoids
R.D. Fritsch-Stork, S.C. Silva-Cardoso, M.J. Groot Koerkamp, J.C. Broen, F.F. Lafeber, J.W. Bijlsma

Rheumatology Abstract

Rheumatology Article

Brief Papers

Pg. 0690-0693

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Endostatin is higher and associated with pulmonary involvement in primary Sjögren’s syndrome
Ø. Palm, T. Ueland, T. Garen, A.E. Michelsen, S. Reiseter, P. Aukrust, T.M. Aaløkken, Ø. Molberg

Rheumatology Abstract

Rheumatology Article


Pg. 0694-0697

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A survey on the medication adherence to methotrexate among rheumatoid arthritis patients treated with self-administered biologic drugs
K.J. Aaltonen, J.H. Turunen, T. Sokka, K. Puolakka, H. Valleala

Rheumatology Abstract

Rheumatology Article


Pg. 0698-0705

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Biosimilar monoclonal antibodies: preclinical and clinical development aspects
J. Gonçalves, F. Araújo, M. Cutolo, J.E. Fonseca

Rheumatology Abstract

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Paediatric Rheumatology

Pg. 0706-0713

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Plasmapheresis, intravenous immunoglobulins and bethametasone - a combined protocol to treat autoimmune congenital heart block: a prospective cohort study
A. Ruffatti, A. Cerutti, M. Favaro, T. Del Ross, A. Calligaro, A. Hoxha, P. Marson, L. Leoni, O. Milanesi

Rheumatology Abstract

Rheumatology Article


Pg. 0714-0718

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Methotrexate treatment may prevent uveitis onset in patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis: experiences and subgroup analysis in a cohort with frequent methotrexate use
M.M. Kostik, E.V. Gaidar, A.Y. Hynnes, M.F. Dubko, V.V. Masalova, L.S. Snegireva, I.A. Chikova, E.A. Isupova, T.N. Nikitina, E.D. Serogodskaya, O.V. Kalashnikova, A. Ravelli, V.G. Chasnyk

Rheumatology Abstract

Rheumatology Article

Letters to the Editor

Pg. 0719

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Recurrent macrophage activation syndrome in spondyloarthritis and monoallelic missense mutations in PRF1: a description of one paediatric case
G. Filocamo, A. Petaccia, M. Torcoletti, E. Sieni, A. Ravelli, F. Corona

Rheumatology Abstract

Rheumatology Article


Pg. 0720

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Polymyositis with pulmonary and renal involvement refractory to combined immunosuppressive therapy treated with rituximab
M. Barešić, M. Bakula, B. Anić

Rheumatology Abstract

Rheumatology Article


Pg. 0721

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Could this be the pioneering case of short-blanket syndrome? Comment on: Development of ultrasound enthesitis score to identify patients with enthesitis having spondyloarthritis: prospective, double-blinded, controlled study. Milutinovic et al. Clin Exp
G. Filippou, I. Bertoldi, B. Frediani

Rheumatology Abstract

Rheumatology Article


Pg. 0721

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Reply to: Could this be the pioneering case of short-blanket syndrome? Filippou et al.
S. Milutinovic

Rheumatology Abstract

Rheumatology Article


Pg. 0722

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The active immunological profile in patients with primary Sjögren's syndrome is restricted to typically encountered autoantibodies
C. Capaldo, G. Carvajal Alegria, D. Cornec, S. Jousse-Joulin, V. Devauchelle-Pensec, Y. Renaudineau

Rheumatology Abstract

Rheumatology Article


Pg. 0723-0724

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PET/CT scan revealing active idiopathic inflammatory myopathy with normal serum sarcoplasmic enzymes levels
M. Piga, F. Pesella, M.L. Corraine, A. Floris, A. Cauli, A. Mathieu

Rheumatology Abstract

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Meeting Abstracts

Pg. 0725-0788

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10th International Congress on Spondyloarthritides
R.M. Landewé, G. Schett
15-17 September 2016, Gent, Belgium

Rheumatology Abstract

Rheumatology Article


Pg. 0789-0792

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Author Index
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