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2018 Vol.36, N°6 - Suppl.115 - Table of contents

Behçet's Disease and other Autoinflammatory Conditions - No. 18

Behçet's Disease and other Autoinflammatory Conditions - No. 18

18th Annual Supplement on Behçet's disease and other Autoinflammatory conditions

Guest Editors: H. Yazici, E. Ben-Chetrit

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Meeting Report

Pg. 0003-0012

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Highlights of the 18th International Conference on Behçet’s syndrome
S.N. Esatoglu, Z. Kutlubay, G. Hatemi

Rheumatology Abstract

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One year in review

Pg. 0013-0027

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One year in review 2018: Behçet’s syndrome
G. Hatemi, E. Seyahi, I. Fresko, R. Talarico, V. Hamuryudan

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Full Papers

Pg. 0028-0032

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Anti-alpha-enolase antibodies in Behçet's disease: a marker of mucocutaneous and articular disease activity?
L.L. Prado, C.R. Goncalves, V.T. Viana, C.G. Saad, E. Bonfa

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Pg. 0033-0039

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New insights into Behçet's disease in Ireland: the Midwest cohort study
F. Adeeb, A.G. Stack, A.D. Fraser

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Pg. 0040-0044

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Venous thrombosis and relapses in patients with Behçet’s disease. Descriptive analysis from Spanish network of Behçet’s disease (REGEB cohort)
M. Rodríguez-Carballeira, R. Solans, J.R. Larrañaga, F.J. García-Hernández, R. Rios-Fernández, J. Nieto, X. Solanich, F. Martínez-Valle, E. Fonseca, F.J. Muñoz, G. Fraile, B. De Escalante, R. Boldova, R. Hurtado, G. Espinosa
on behalf of REGEB investigators, Autoimmune Diseases Study Group (GEAS)

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Pg. 0045-0052

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The role of auditory evoked potentials and otoacoustic emissions in early detection of hearing abnormalities in Behçet’s disease patients. A case control study
D.W. Nada, R.M. El Khouly, S.E. Gadow, S.A. Hablas, M.A. Aboelhawa, D.S. Al Ashkar, A.M. El Barbary, M.S. Hussein, E. Rageh, A.M. Elsalawy, M.H. Abo-Zaid, S. Elshweikh, A.M. El Gharib

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Pg. 0053-0062

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Why are Behçet’s disease patients always exhausted?
A.A. Senusi, J. Liu, D. Bevec, L.A. Bergmeier, M. Stanford, D. Kidd, A. Jawad, S. Higgins, F. Fortune

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Rheumatology Addendum


Pg. 0063-0067

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Why are male patients with Behçet's disease prone to thrombosis? A rotational thromboelastographic analysis
B. Kara Kivanc, E. Gönüllü, O.M. Akay, A. Ertürk, C. Bal, D.Ü. Cansu, C. Korkmaz

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Rheumatology Addendum


Pg. 0068-0073

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Epidemiological profile of non-infectious uveitis from the rheumatologist’s perspective: a survey from two tertiary referral centres in Italy
G. Lopalco, V. Venerito, J. Sota, D. Rigante, S. Guerriero, I. Orlando, R. Franceschini, R. Favale, G. Lapadula, B. Castelli, B. Frediani, M. Galeazzi, F. La Torre, F. Iannone, G.M. Tosi, C. Fabiani, L. Cantarini

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Pg. 0074-0079

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Association between fever pattern and clinical manifestations of adult-onset Still’s disease: unbiased analysis using hierarchical clustering
M.J. Kim, E.Y. Ahn, W. Hwang, Y. Lee, E.Y. Lee, E.B. Lee, Y.W. Song, J.K. Park

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Rheumatology Addendum


Pg. 0080-0085

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Inflammation and cardiovascular disease in familial Mediterranean fever. An analysis of hospital admissions for acute cardiovascular event
A. Roitman, I. Ben-Zvi, L. Mendel, A. Livneh

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Pg. 0086-0089

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Analysis of NLRP3, MVK and TNFRSF1A variants in adult Greek patients with autoinflammatory symptoms
P. Karagianni, A. Nezos, F. Ioakeim, A.G. Tzioufas, H.M. Moutsopoulos

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Pg. 0090-0096

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Faecal but not serum calprotectin levels look promising in predicting active disease in Behçet’s syndrome patients with gastrointestinal involvement
S.N. Esatoglu, I. Hatemi, Y. Ozguler, G. Hatemi, H. Uzun, A.F. Celik, H. Yazici

Rheumatology Abstract

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Pg. 0097-0102

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Which definition should be used to determine colchicine resistance among patients with familial Mediterranean fever?
A. Erden, E.D. Batu, A. Sarı, H.E. Sönmez, B. Armagan, S. Demir, E. Fırat, Y. Bilginer, S.A. Bilgen, Ö. Karadağ, U. Kalyoncu, S. Kiraz, I. Ertenli, S. Özen, A. Akdogan

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Rheumatology Addendum


Pg. 0103-0109

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Echocardiographic findings of cardiovascular involvement in Behçet’s disease and post-operative complications after cardiac surgery
R. Li, L. Pu, Z. Sun, Y. Wang, G. Liu, J. Xie, Y. Yang

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Pg. 0110-0115

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Serum immunoglobulin D levels in patients with Behçet’s disease according to different clinical manifestations
O.M. Lucherini, A. Vitale, I. Orlando, J. Sota, C. Fabiani, R. Franceschini, A. Simpatico, B. Frediani, M. Galeazzi, G.M. Tosi, L. Cantarini

Rheumatology Abstract

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Pg. 0116-0124

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Potential role of pyrin, the protein mutated in familial Mediterranean fever, during inflammatory cell migration
B. Balci-Peynircioglu, Y.Z. Akkaya-Ulum, E. Avci, E.D. Batu, N. Purali, S. Ozen, E. Yilmaz

Rheumatology Abstract

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Rheumatology Addendum


Pg. 0125-0128

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Behçet's syndrome and psychiatric involvement: is it a primary or secondary feature of the disease?
R. Talarico, L. Palagini, E. Elefante, F. Ferro, C. Tani, A. Gemignani, S. Bombardieri, M. Mosca

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Paediatric Rheumatology

Pg. 0129-0134

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Comorbidity of PFAPA (periodic fever, aphthous stomatitis, pharyngitis and adenitis) patients: a case control study
U. Lantto, S. Kettunen, T. Tapiainen, P. Koivunen, M. Uhari, M. Renko

Rheumatology Abstract

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Pg. 0135-0140

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Paediatric Behçet's disease in Iran: report of 204 cases
F. Shahram, A. Nadji, M. Akhlaghi, S.T. Faezi, C. Chams-Davatchi, H. Shams, S.Z. Ghodsi, F. Davatchi

Rheumatology Abstract

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Pg. 0141-0145

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The frequency of juvenile spondyloarthropathies in childhood familial Mediterranean fever
E. Ozer, D. Seker, E. Taner, A. Adrovic, S. Sahin, K. Barut, O. Kasapçopur

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Letters to the Editor

Pg. 0146

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A misleading case of deficiency of adenosine deaminase 2 (DADA2): the magnifying glass of the scientific knowledge drives the tailored medicine in real life
I. Maccora, I. Frongia, C. Azzari, S. Ricci, R. Cimaz, G. Simonini

Rheumatology Abstract

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Pg. 0147

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Duration of anti-TNF treatment in vascular Behçet’s disease: better to prolong treatment?
N. Atas, H. Babaoglu, O. Varan, A. Tufan

Rheumatology Abstract

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Pg. 0148-0149

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Brain glucose consumption abnormalities in neuro-Behçet’s disease: a preliminary 18F-FDG PET/CT study
S. D'angelo, A. Chiaravalloti, F. Ursini, G. Barbagallo, M. Gilio, P. Leccese, R. De Giorgio, E. Di Giorgio, O. Schillaci

Rheumatology Abstract

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Pg. 0150

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Chronic non-bacterial osteomyelitis coexistent with familial Mediterranean fever
D. Gezgin Yildirim, T. Bedir Demirağ, İ. Akdulum, G. Yılmaz, S. Bakkaloğlu

Rheumatology Abstract

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Pg. 0151

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Concurrent chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis and familial Mediterranean fever. A case report
J.J. Lee, J. Stimec, B. Cameron, R.M. Laxer

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Meeting Abstracts

Pg. 0152

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18th International Conference on Behçet’s Disease
J.A. Van Laar, M. Van Hagen
13-15 September 2018, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

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Pg. 0153-0156

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Oral presentations
No Author

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Pg. 0157-0208

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Poster sessions
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